Ami Cheat's Page - VALHALLA


2-"LOPFGW"-The Sanctuary
3-"UHGWIL"----The Chapel
4-"ABHEFT"-----The Tower



Pick up the Gold key, go to the alter on your right, (THE IDENTITY STONE) take the book from the alter and drop it on the floor, ya won't need it! Now go to the corridor just below you, walk down the corridor and take the first left, walk along till you come to the gold coin, pick it up, go to H1 and pull the lever outside ROOM 2, now go through the door into ROOM 2 get the CHEST KEY, THE GREY CRYSTAL and pull the lever in the bottom right corner of the room.

Go to ROOM 3 and put THE GOLD COIN in THE WISHING WELL, take THE ROUND GEM that appears on the alter, go to the bottom of the room pick up the stick, crack the floor tile that was under the stick and pick up THE GOLD RING, go to ROOM 4, use THE BIG GOLD KEY to open the door, walk straight up and pick up THE GOLD KEY, go to the chest on your left and open it, take THE WITHERED ROSE and go back to ROOM 1, put THE GOLD RING on THE IDENTITY STONE, and take THE PARCHMENT that appears, go to ROOM 5 and put THE PARCHMENT on THE ALTER OF JUSTICE, take THE SYMBOL OF JUSTICE that appears walking down THE MAIN CORRIDOR and take the 2nd turning left, go in to the room at the end, over in the bottom left corner you will find THE ALTER OF JUSTICE, put THE PARCHMENT on the alter and pick up the THE SYMBOL OF JUSTICE that appears, now leave the room and go back to THE MAIN CORRIDOR.

Walk down the corridor, turn right at the bottom and keep walking untill you come to the alter with the skull on it, THE QUEST SKULL, put THE SYMBOL OF JUSTICE on the alter and go through the door that has just opened to your right, (SAVE) follow the corridor untill you come to a room at the end, pick up THE GOLD KEY and THE POTION OF STRENGTH, go to the top right corner of the room and pick up THE CROWN, the one on the left is a trap!!

Now go to the bottom right corner of the room and pull the lever on the wall, go through the door into the next room, when you walk in a door rises behind you, turn around and put THE ROUND GEM on it, it will now go back down! Now got to THE WATER OF LIFE in the top right corner and put THE WITHERED ROSE on it, and pick up THE FLOWER that appears to the right! THE POISON on the alter and THE TAP in the wall are RED HERRINGS!! So don't bother with them, now go to the top left corner of the room and pick up THE PIECE OF WOOD.

Leave these two rooms and go back to THE MAIN HALLWAY, (Where the SKULL QUEST is.) Turn left and keep walking untill you come to a stool with a SILVER KEY on it, go to the door just below you and open it with THE BIG GOLD KEY, go in to the room and put THE FLOWER on the alter with the skull on it, THE LOVE SKULL, a door will now open behind you, go to the bottom left corner of the room and put THE CROWN on THE THRONE and pick up THE SHIELD that appears in it's place, now go to the bottom right corner of the room and crack THE FLOOR TILE, ANOTHER MAP! leave it there, ya don't need it! hehe!! Now leave the room the same way you came in and pick up THE SILVER KEY on the stool, now turn left and stand in front of THE BIG BOULDER, drink THE POTION OF STRENGTH and pick up THE BIG BOULDER, now drop the boulder on the drain in the corner just below you, cos you don't need it, (SAVE)

Now go back to the room where you picked up THE GREY CRYSTAL (Where THE CRYSTAL FLAME is) and open the chest at the top of the room, take THE COLD PROTECTION and THE CHEST KEY, now leave the room, turn left and go to THE MAIN CORRIDOR, walk straight up and take the 2nd turning on your left, go to the door at the end and open it with THE SILVER KEY, go in to the room and drop THE PIECE OF WOOD on the chasm, walk across, turn right and open the chest at the top of the room, take THE GOLDEN CHALLICE and THE ROUND GEM and go back to THE MAIN CORRIDOR, walk down to the end, turn left and go back in to the room where THE THRONE is, go to the top left corner of the room and put THE GOLDEN CHALLICE on the drain and press the tap in the wall, it will now fill with water! There's a surprise!!

Now pick it up and go through the door near the bottom right corner of the room, DON'T put THE ROUND GEM on the door that rises behind you!! Follow the corridor untill you come to a lever in the wall, pull it and go through the door and go in to the room above, pick up THE GOLD SYMBOL and pull the lever on the wall, leave the room, walk back down the corridor and take the first turning right, walk up untill you come to the door that rises in front of you, npw put THE ROUND GEM on it, when it goes down, walk out in to THE MAIN HALLWAY, turn right and go back to the room where you got THE GREY CRYSTAL, against the far right hand wall is an alter, THE MIRACLE STONE put THE GOLDEN CHALLICE on THE MIRACLE STONE and it will turn in to wine, now leave the room.

Once outside, walk straight up to the chest, turn right, pick up THE TALISMAN OF LIGHT and follow the corridor untill you come to an entrance on the left, go in and put THE GOLDEN CHALLICE on the alter with the skull on it, THE WINE SKULL, pick up THE RUBBER SOLES POTION that appears, now leave the room, now you need to go back to where THE BIG BOULDER WAS! Go through the entrance that was blocked by THE BIG BOULDER and stop when you see THE ELETRODES in the wall, DO NOT WALK BETWEEN THEM YET!! Drink THE RUBBER SOLES POTION and walk through THE ELECTRODES to the end, there you you will see a switch in the wall with no lever, use THE STICK on the switch and pull the lever that appears, now go through the door that has just opened to your right, walk down the corridor and turn right at the end, against the wall on the far right is an alter with a sword on it, pick up the sword and put the shield in it's place, (The Electrodes are now switched off) now go to the switch just below you and pull the lever, now leave the room, turn right, walk through the first two sets of electrodes and turn left, follow the corridor all the way to the top untill you come to a round gem, pick it up, now go back to the two sets of electrodes you just walked through, between them is a open door, go through it to the room above, now turn round and put the round gem on the door that has just risen out of the floor, go to the top of the room, and put THE GOLD SYMBOL on right hand alter, now you need to go back to where THE BIG BOULDER was!

Once there you will see an alter just above you THE BLOODSTONE, with a slit in it, put the sword on the alter, when the blood appears on the blade pick it up, go back to the main corridor walk up and take the first left, go in to the room and put the sword on the alter with the skull on it, THE BLOOD SKULL, now go left and go through the door that has just opened, pick up THE CHEST KEY and pull the lever on the wall, now go back to the main hallway and open the chest.


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Crack Floor tile, take RAW CHICKEN, cook it on the grill and give to face in wall, go to bottom right corner of H1 and crack the floor tile, take THE KEY and go to locked door to the left of THE ICE, open the door, walk through untill you come to a lever and pull it, go to ROOM 3, pick up THE COLOURED STICK, go to bottom left corner of room, take THE SMALL TILE, crack the floor tile and take THE POTION OF STRENGTH, go to ROOM 2, stand in front of HEAVY VASE and drink THE POTION OF STRENGTH, take HEAVY VASE and KEY, drop HEAVY VASE where you found it, (the vase can be dropped any where, but dropping it here won't cause you any trouble or grief).

Go to ROOM 1, open the chest, take THE BOOK and THE WIND CHARM, go to bottom right corner of H1 put THE COLOURED STICK in the switch on the wall and pull the lever, enter ROOM 4 and put THE BOOK on the ALTAR OF 4th DIMENSION, take THE WATCH and pull the lever on the wall just below you, go to ROOM 3 and put THE WATCH on the alter next to THE SHAMAN OF TIME, enter ROOM 5, pick up THE KEY and put it on the grill, take LIQUID METAL, go to altar with key engraved on it, drop LIQUID METAL, take THE KEY, go to the switch just below you and pull the lever.

Unlock the door, go to ROOM 6, crack the floor tile and take THE KEY, go to ROOM 3 Open the chest, take THE TANKARD and go to ROOM 2, drop THE TANKARD on the drain, press the tap, now put THE TANKARD on THE FUNGI in H1, take THE MOULDY ale and go to ROOM 4, put THE MOULDY ale on the altar next to THE SHAMAN OF IMPURITY, enter H2, crack the floor tile and take RESIST COLD, go to H1 stand in front of THE ICE, drink RESIST COLD, take THE ICE and go to ROOM 4, put THE ICE on THE OVEN and take THE EYE OF HEAVEN, go to ROOM 2 and Put EYE OF HEAVEN on the SUNDIAL, take THE SIGN OF LEO and put it on the lions head, take THE GOLD SYMBOL, go to ROOM 5 and put THE GOLD SYMBOL on DEACTIVATION, STONE take THE MAGIC RING in the bottom left corner of the room and go to THE AISLE OF ALTERS, put THE MAGIC RING on the altar, when it disappears go forward and pick up THE KEY, go to P1 and open the door to ROOM 7, go to the wall at the bottom of the room, crack the floor tile and take THE KEY, pull the two levers and go to ROOM 2, open the chest, take THE ASHES and THE KEY, go to P1 and put THE ASHES on THE PHEONIX altar, take THE WOODEN CROSS, go to ROOM 7 and put THE WOODEN CROSS on THE LEDGER, take THE GOLD CROSS and go to ROOM 6, put THE GOLD CROSS on the alter next to THE SHAMAN OF ETERNITY, enter ROOM 8, take take THE ROUND GEM, crack the floor tile and take THE BLOOD, take THE GEM OF 4 WINDS and THE SMALL TILE, crack the floor tile and take THE KEY, use THE ROUND GEM to exit room, go to ROOM 4, (tip: use ROOM 7 as a short cut).

Open the chest, take THE KEY and ARTHUR's POTION, go to ROOM 9, take THE BROKEN STICK and THE SMALL TILE, go to H2 and put THE BROKEN STICK on THE GLUE, pick up THE STICK, go to your right and using THE SMALL TILES, make a path across to ROOM 10, crack the floor tile and take THE WOODEN SYMBOL, open the chest, take THE ROUND GEM and go to P2, put THE COLOURED STICK in the switch outside ROOM 11, pull the lever and enter ROOM 11, take THE COLOURED STICK, crack the floor tile and take ROCK OF SALEEM, use THE ROUND GEM to exit room, go to the door to ROOM 12 in P1, put THE COLOURED STICK in the switch, and pull the lever, enter ROOM 12 and put THE BLOOD on THE TREE STUMP, pull the lever that appears, take THE KEY and go to ROOM 6, take THE LIQUID METAL and WIND CHARM and go to ROOM 4, put THE WOODEN SYMBOL on THE SOFT STUFF, pick up THE WOODEN SYMBOL and drop it on the floor ( you won't need it any more ).

Put THE LIQUID METAL on THE SOFT STUFF and take THE GOLD SYMBOL, go to ROOM 10 and put THE GOLD SYMBOL on THE DEACTIVATION STONE, take THE MAGIC RING in the bottom right corner of the room, go to THE AISLE OF ALTERS and put THE MAGIC RING on the alter, when the alter dissapears go forward and take THE PAPER MONEY, go to ROOM 7 and put THE PAPER MONEY on THE TILL, take THE GOLD COINS and go to ROOM 9, put THE ROCK OF SALEEM on the altar of TRANQUILLITY, take WEREWOLF, put THE GOLD COINS on THE STONE OF CHANGE, and take THE GEM OF 4 WINDS, enter ROOM 13, take THE COLOURED STICK, drink ARTHUR's POTION and take THE SWORD called DILOS, pull lever and enter ROOM 14.

Place DILOS across the gap and walk across DILOS, put THE WEREWOLF on the altar of SILVER and take THE SILVER CRESCENT, go to ROOM 7, put THE SILVER CRESCENT on the altar next to THE SHAMAN OF THE MOON, enetr ROOM 15, crack the floor tile and take THE ROUND GEM, go to the switch with no lever in P2, put THE COLOURED STICK in the switch and pull the lever, enter ROOM 16, put WIND CHARM with a disguised S on south vane, take THE MONEY SPIDER, put WIND CHARM with disguised E on east vane, pull lever in bottom left of room, use THE ROUND GEM to exit room.

Go to ROOM 14 and open the chest, take THE WIND CHARM and THE MAGNET, cross DILOS, turn round and pick up DILOS, go to ROOM 11, take THE STAMINA and drop it on the floor, put THE MAGNET on the stool, take THE METAL BOX, go to ROOM 6, drop THE METAL BOX in the sulphuric acid, take THE PARCHMENT, go to P2 find the alter with the ink on it and put THE PARCHMENT on it, take THE PARCHMENT and return to ROOM 6, put THE PARCHMENT on THE FLAME OF RUIN, take THE SKULL OF DEATH and go to ROOM 7, put MONEY SPIDER on the altar of AFFLUENCE, take THE GOLD BAR and go to ROOM 12, put THE GOLD BAR on the alter next to THE SHAMAN OF WEALTH, enter ROOM 17, take the TOP LEFT KEY, and open the door to ROOM 18, crack the floor tile, take THE WIND CHARM and go to ROOM 16, put THE WIND CHARM with disguised W on west vane, place THE WIND CHARM with disguised N on north vane, the wall at the top of the room will now disappear.

Put THE GEM OF 4 WINDS on the small altar and take THE GOLD SYMBOL, go to ROOM 15, put THE GOLD SYMBOL on THE DEACTIVATION STONE, take THE MAGIC RING on right of room, put THE SKULL OF DEATH on the altar of RESURRECTION, take the IMMORTAL CHAIN and go to ROOM 18, put THE IMMORTAL CHAIN on THE ETERNAL FLAME, take THE GOLD SYMBOL and go to ROOM 17, put THE GOLD SYMBOL on THE DEACTIVATION STONE, take THE HOLY GRAIL in the small passage at the bottom left of room, go to ROOM 8, put THE HOLY GRAIL on the drain and press the tap, take THE HOLY GRAIL and go to THE AISLE OF ALTERS, put THE MAGIC RING on the altar, walk forward and put THE HOLY GRAIL on the altar next to THE SHAMAN OF IMMORTALITY, use DILOS on gap, and take THE KEY, open the door and keep walking to level 3.


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Turn around, take cement from POETS TOMB, place cement on crack in the floor and go and pick up MONOCLE, go to far left of room, pick up CURLY GRIP, press tap, take APPLE from bush, go to top of room, pick up book, place APPLE on tree trunk, drop book on floor, go to bottom of room. Open drain next to KEY take ARROW (bolt), return to tree trunk, find and then place ARROW on cross bow, stand on drain in top left of room, pull lever, go to tree trunk, get TOFFEE, take CEMENT on drain, open drain, take SEEDS, go to head in the wall between two chests near RIVER KEEPER, give head TOFFEE, take DRINK OF SIGHT and GREEN FINGERS, drink DRINK OF SIGHT, go to bottom of room, take KEY, open door, go through to ROOM 2.

Go left, pick up SAND, put SEEDS in earth, press tap, take FLOWER, return to ROOM 1. Go to bottom left of room, find blue vase between two chests, put FLOWER on vase, take RING OF GOODWILL and POETRY, place POETRY on POETS TOMB, go to ROOM 2. Go far right to altar of dispute, put RING OF GOODWILL on altar, take WHITE DOVE, go to ROOM 1.

Go to RIVER KEEPER and look at WHITE DOVE, bridge appears, cross and take FRENCH DRAMA, pull lever, go to door on far left of ROOM 1, use CURLY GRIP to open door, go to ROOM 3. Walk 3 (three) paces down, drop SAND, pick up TOFFEE from altar, get KETTLE, go to top far left of room, pick up MATCH, drop KETTLE, press tap, get KETTLE, go to grill, put MATCH on grill, take LIT MATCH, put KETTLE on grill, take KEY, pull lever in top right of room, go and unlock door, go to ROOM 2.

Give TOFFEE to head in top left of room, take LYRICAL DRINK, go to POETS TOMB (ROOM 1), drink LYRICAL DRINK, look at POETRY, get SLIPPERS, go to far right of ROOM 2 go through door to ROOM 4. Find grandad, put SLIPPERS on him, take TOFFEE, go to top right of room, give TOFFEE to head, take CANNON BALL, go to ROOM 2. Find cannon, put CANNON BALL in cannon, put LIT MATCH on back of CANNON, go past broken boulder to first drain, open drain, take quill, return to ROOM 2, place QUILL on ink well in bottom right of room, take GLOBE OF WISDOM and HERCULES DRINK, go to ROOM 4. Find PIANO, drink HERCULES DRINK, take PIANO, go to ROOM 5. Place PIANO on musicians tomb, play PIANO, (ie. face keys), pull lever that has appeared in top of room, go to relative on left of room, take CROSS, give him MONOCLE, give him FRENCH DRAMA, take ENGLISH DRAMA, go to ROOM 6.

Place CEMENT on crack next to drain in top left of room, take TOFFEE, go to ROOM 5 Give TOFFEE to head in wall in top left of room, take FLUFFY and CHORAL DRINK, go to ROOM 6, Go to relative, place FLUFFY on relative, take KEY, go to bottom left of the four bushes, drink GREEN FINGERS, take LEAF, go to ROOM 2. Place LEAF in herbalist bowl, take HEALING POTION, go to ROOM 3. Stand in front of RIVER KEEPER, look at GLOBE OF WISDOM, cross bridge, take SHAKESPEARE'S DRINK, go to ROOM 1. Give relative ENGLISH DRAMA, drink SHAKESPEARE'S DRINK, look at ENGLISH DRAMA, give relative HEALING POTION, take OFFICIAL PLATE, go to ROOM 4. Drop WHITE DOVE, GLOBE OF WISDOM, OFFICIAL PLATE on floor, go to far left of room, take SONG, go to ROOM 2. Find singers tomb, place SONG on tomb, drink CHORAL DRINK, look at SONG, go to ROOM 6.

Go to door bottom left corner, unlock door, go to ROOM 7. Go to drain bottom right corner, open drain, take ROYAL SEAL, go to ROOM 4. Put ROYAL SEAL on royal note in bottom left of room, take WIZZARD'S WAND and LUCKY HEATHER, put WIZZARD'S WAND on WIZZARD'S TOMB, go to ROOM 7. Place LUCKY HEATHER on gypsy's tomb, take UNLUCKY HORSESHOE, go to ROOM 3. Place UNLUCKY HORSESHOE on shiny mirror, take LUCKY HORSESHOE, go to ROOM 5. Go to river keeper, look at LUCKY HORSESHOE, cross bridge, take CEMENT, pull lever, place CEMENT in crack, take CRYSTAL, go to ROOM 7. Stand in front of 3rd face of evil from the left, give face CRYSTAL, quickly go to ROOM 4. Look at WIZZARD'S WAND on WIZZARD'S TOMB, take CANVAS, go to ROOM 7.

Go through open door on far right, take OBJECT OF WORTH, open drain, take RECIPE, go to ROOM 7, put RECIPE on cooks tomb, take dough, go to ROOM 8. Take CANDLE from artists tomb, pace CANVAS on tomb,take LORD TERRY`s PICTURE, take PLANK, go to ROOM 4. Drop LUCKY HORSESHOE on floor, put CANDLE on candle holder in bottom right of room, take KEY, go to uncle Terry, place LORD TERRY`s PICTURE on uncle Terry, look at uncle Terry`s face, go to ROOM 8. Open door and go to ROOM 9. Go to top left of room, place DOUGH on oven, take BREAD OF PLENTY, place PLANK on CARPENTER`s tomb, go right, place CROSS on priest`s tomb, take FUNERAL FLOWERS, go to ROOM 8. Go to river keeper, look at BREAD OF PLENTY, cross bridge, take BLADE RESIST DRINK, pull lever, go to ROOM 9. Go to CARPENTER`s tomb, drink BLADE RESIST DRINK, take SAW, go to ROOM 8. Place SAW on relative, go to ROOM 6. Go to open chests, take OBJECT OF WORTH and POTION OF SERMONS, go to ROOM 7. Go to relative, place FUNERAL FLOWERS on relative, drink POTION OF SERMONS, look at FUNERAL FLOWERS, take OFFICIAL PLATE, go to ROOM 9.

Take STAFF OF HONOUR, go to ROOM 6. Go to river keeper, look at STAFF OF HONOUR, cross bridge, take OBJECT OF WORTH, go to mix bowl net to river keeper, place ALL 3 OBJECT`s OF WORTH in the bowl, take 2 BEE KING, go to ROOM 8. Go to relative, touch SAW, move to head of relative, look at 2 BEE KING, take OFFICIAL PLATE, drop 2 BEE KING, go to ROOM 4. Collect all OFFICIAL PLATES not held, take 24 WAYS, drop 24 WAYS on floor, go to bottom left of banqueting table, place OCTAGONAL OFFICIAL PLATE on table, place DIAMOND OFFICIAL PLATE on bottom right of table, place TRIANGLE OFFICIAL PLATE on top right of table, place CROSS OFFICIAL PLATE on top left of table, door in bottom right of room will open. Collect ALL objects used on river keepers, WHITE DOVE, GLOBE OF WISDOM, LUCKY HORSESHOE, BREAD OF PLENTY, STAFF OF HONOUR, go through door in bottom right of room, follow passage.

Place WHITE DOVE on first hand, move down one step, place GLOBE OF HONOUR on second hand, move down one step, place LUCKY HORSESHOE on third hand, move down one step, place BREAD OF PLENTY on fourth hand, move down one step, place STAFF OF HONOUR on fifth hand, move down one step, follow passage to level 4. Sign can be read if wanted.


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             |_____________________________________-=> Level 4


Take one step forward, turn around, crack the floor tile and Take THE BOOK, go to bottom of ROOM 1, find and take PHRASE BOOK and THE MATCH, put THE MATCH on THE GRILL, take LIT MATCH, and press the tap, take THE CHICKEN LEG, place LIT MATCH on back on THE GRILL, Go to the far right of the room and give THE CHICKEN LEG to THE CARNIVOURE in the wall between the two chests. Take THE NECKLACE and THE RECORD, pick up HELLO, go to THE BED, take THE BEDPAN, take GO TO SLEEP. Crack the floor tile, take THE SMALL COIN, go to THE BLACK STAIN on the floor and drop THE SMALL COIN on it, pick up THE PENNY BLACK, and put it on THE STAMP ALBUM, take THE KEY, go to THE GRAMAPHONE and put THE RECORD on it, pull the lever.

Put THE BEDPAN on the drain and press the tap, pick up THE BEDPAN and put it on THE GRILL, pick up THE BEDPAN and put it on THE BED, take THE DRINK and put it on the stool in front of THE COUNCILOR, take THE DRINK OF WORDS, go to object next to the locked door and drink THE DRINK OF WORDS, look at GO TO SLEEP, go to the end of P1 and pull both levers.

Go to ROOM 2, Go to far end of room, pick up YES, enter passage at far left of room find and pick up NO, go to ROOM 3, crack the floor tile, take DENTURES and go to ROOM 1, go to THE BED, place DENTURES in glass, pull the lever that appears just above you and go to the bottom left corner of the room enter ROOM 4.

Go to top left of room, crack the floor tile between the two shrines, take THE COIN and return to ROOM 2, put THE COIN in THE TELEPHONE, look at HELLO, take THE CROOK, go to ROOM 5, go to bishop`s hand on far left, drop CROOK on hand, take BELL (dingalong), go to ROOM 4, Find and take CANDLE, turn around and place BELL, BOOK and CANDLE on bishop's shrine, get RING, get both bottles of STAMINA, go to entrance of ROOM 2, drop both bottles of STAMINA on floor, go to ROOM 3.

Put THE RING on bishop's hand, take DRINK OF VOICES, take STAMINA and place it with other bottles of STAMINA, go to ROOM 5. Go to top right of room, get YOU ARE FORGIVEN, go to ROOM 2. Stand in front of slave, drink DRINK OF VOICES, look at YOU ARE FORGIVEN, slave's arms open to reveal a SHREDDER, place PHRASE BOOK on SHREDDER, phrases appear on tables next to SHREDDER, drop YOU ARE FORGIVEN, take THE GARDENER, go to flower at entrance to ROOM 5 take FLOWER, enter ROOM 5.

Stand in front of locked door and look at counsellor on your right, look at THE GARDENER, look at YES, place FLOWER on table in front of counsellor, take GLUE, go to ROOM 6 Go to jewellery box, put NECKLACE in jewellery box, take MOTHERS CROWN, go to SECRETARY's bed and take CHESS PIECE, go to door in bottom of room and enter ROOM 7. Place GLUE on table between beds, take KEY, KEY now stuck on GLUE, take KEY, take STAMINA, go to ROOM 6, unlock door, drop STAMINA with the other STAMINA, go to ROOM 5. Go right, Place CHESS PIECE on chess board, take CHESS PIECE, go to ROOM 6. Place CHESS PIECE on SECRETARY's bed, take PHRASE BOOK, go to ROOM 2.

Remove all PHRASES from tables and place on floor, drop all phrases carried (not YES and NO), place PHRASE BOOK onto SHREDDER, take IT'S ME YOUR SON, go to ROOM 4. Go to Queen's shrine (top one), place MOTHER's CROWN on shrine, place IT'S ME YOUR SON on Queen's shrine and look at shrine, take DRINK OF VOICES, go to ROOM 2.

Get I WANT A SUMMONS from chest next to telephone, get THE GARDENER phrase and go to ROOM 6. Go to Queen`s secretary, drink DRINK OF VOICES, look at I WANT A SUMMONS, look at THE GARDENER, take SUMMONS, drop I WANT A SUMMONS and THE GARDENER, go to ROOM 2. Get TO SEE THE LORD, go to ROOM 5. Go to locked door, look at counsellor on the left, look at TO SEE THE LORD, YES, place SUMMONS on the table in front of the counsellor, take KEY, unlock door, go to ROOM 2. Drop TO SEE THE LORD, get HUMBLE SLAVE, TO SWEAR ALLEGIANCE, I WAS BORN HERE, I'VE HEARD NOTHING, get two bottles STAMINA, go to ROOM 5. Enter passage by the four counsellors, go past the guardians, at the end of the passage drink STAMINA, pull lever, enter LORD OF INFINITY's room, ROOM 8. Stand directly in front of HIM, look at SWEAR ALLEGIANCE, HUMBLE SLAVE, BORN HERE, take KEY drop the phrases used, go to drain in bottom left of room, take CATERPILLAR, go to passage at far right of room, Enter passage, find LETTUCE, put CATERPILLAR on LETTUCE, take CATERPILLAR, open floor, take DOG BONE, drop CATERPILLAR, move down, open door, enter ROOM 9.

Go to bed, take IT'S ME YOUR SON and TAROT CARD, go to ROOM 8. Place DOG BONE in one of the dog bowls, take KEY, open door in bottom of room, go through passage, drink STAMINA, go to ROOM 4. Go to psychic's shrine (bottom one), put TAROT card on shrine, take CRYSTAL BALL, go to ROOM 2. Put CRYSTAL BALL on black silk between the two chests, take THIMBLE and DRINK OF SPELLS, go to ROOM 6. Go to jewellery box table, place THIMBLE on tapestry, take NEEDLE, turn around, open floor, take DRINK OF LIGHT FEET, get two bottles of STAMINA, go to ROOM 8, (drink STAMINA after passing the guardians).

Go left, put NEEDLE into voodoo doll, enter passage by voodoo doll. Go up, face switch, drink DRINK OF LIGHT FEET, pull lever (1), pull lever (2), pull lever (3), pull lever (4), miss lever (5), pull lever (6), pull lever (7), walk past guardians, pull lever (8), go to end of passage, take FATHER'S CROWN, return ROOM 8, go to ROOM 9. Go to spell book, drink DRINK OF SPELLS, look at spell book, take BREAD, return to ROOM 8.

Go to table to the left of HIM, put bread on table, face HIM, look at YES, YES, NO, NO I'VE HEARD NOTHING, take HIS CHALICE, go to ROOM 5. Drink STAMINA, place HIS CHALLICE on drain in top left of ROOM, press tap, pick up HIS CALLICE, go to ROOM 6. Place FATHER's crown on king's shrine, place IT'S ME YOUR SON on shrine, look at shrine, take LIGHT OF VALHALLA, go to ROOM 8. Drink STAMINA, place LIGHT OF VALHALLA on the table that you see when you enter ROOM 8, go to ROOM 9. Place HIS CHALICE on drain in top right hand corner, press tap, pick up HIS CHALICE, go to ROOM 8. Place HIS CHALICE on table next to HIM, face HIM, look at YES, take GOLD STICK, go to ROOM 9.

Go to gap at bottom of room, place GOLD STICK in gap and cross,get TAPE RECORDER, return to ROOM 8. Put TAPE RECORDER directly in front of HIM, stand to the right of the TAPE RECORDER and face it, press play. Get LIGHT OF VALHALLA, take it to HIM, stand in front of HIM, use LIGHT OF VALHALLA.


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